
Hi, I'm ralphlucas, and I'm a Linux Systems Adminsitrator for a Web Hosting Provider, and I've been working in this position for about 10 years now. I LOVE IT!

My first exposure to Linux was in about 2011 when I got a job working for an IT reseller that needed me to pass Red Hat Linux certifications that allowed them to sell this version of Linux. I can still remember the day when I thought "I wonder if I can mount this CD-ROM as a file system, point a repo at it, then install stuff from the CD-ROM". It turns out you can, and at that point Linux became my go to OS. Goodbye to dialogue boxes, behind dialogue boxes, behind dialogue boxes, and BRING ON THE COMMAND LINE! I haven't looked back!

The above lead me to the job I work in now. After about 9 years of questions about Wordpress, Wordpress sites being slow, and Wordpress, Wordpress Wordpress, I thought I'd better get involved with the whole Wordpress thing a bit more.

That, and Liz Truss tanking the economy is basically what prompted me to start using Wordpress, offering people Wordpress sites, and blogging everything I'd find out, or worked out, so that everyone didn't have to do all the legwork that I'd had to.

It's been interesting to say the least, and I'll have to admit, I can see why a lot of people struggle with Wordpress, especially the optimisation side of things. This takes quite a lot of working out and you need to be able to do things like read page output and work out what's doing the undesirable thing you're trying to address.

My blog is really my own small effort to make the Wordpress side of things a bit easier for people, and for them to be able to gain the benefits of the various mad scientist experiments I've had to do.

Right now, I'm keen on object caching and the Litespeed web server. OOOSH! INSTA-PAGE LOAD! If you've optimised upstream, of course. How do you do that though? Well, there's a blog about that, I'm sure!

How To Enable WordPress Debugging

How To Enable WordPress Debugging (wp-debug). How to enable WordPress debugging. In this guide I’ll be covering what WordPress debugging is (or wp-debug as it’s sometimes referred to), why you might want to enable WordPress debugging, and how to enable WordPress’ debugging mode. You can click here find out how to enable WordPress debugging if

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Error Establishing Database Connection WordPress

Error Establishing Database connection WordPress Error establishing database connection when using WordPress, can be encountered if your WordPress based site can’t connect to the database used by your site. WordPress’ own advice about this is quite minimal, as it’s not really a WordPress centric issue, it’s more related to the underlying services (specifically the database) and

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WordPress There Has Been a Critical Error or White page of Death

WordPress There Has Been a Critical Error or White page of Death WordPress there has been a critical error or white page of death. In this post I’ll be covering what you’ll see when encountering the “there has been a critical error on your website” or the WordPress white screen of death, what causes these

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How to fix DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN How to fix DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN. In this post I’ll be talking about what this error means, what causes this error to be displayed, how to diagnose this problem, and how to fix DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN. What you’ll see when the DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN problem occurs. When you’re affected by this problem you’ll see either a screen


An Accidental WordPress Experiment.

An Accidental WordPress Experiment. Last week, I accidentally did an experiment with my WordPress site (yes, this one). The results of the experiment that I accidentally found that I’d done, were a bit surprising. I’ve also been searching for related information on the internet to see if anyone else had experienced a similar kind of

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Heroes of the Internet Part One: Charles Babbage and Ada Lovelace

heroes of the internet part one, Charles Babbage and Ada Lovelace. Heroes of the internet part one: Although it sounds like something out of a steampunk based parallel universe, the earliest computers ran on handles and cogs, and were conceived in a time before electricity, microchips and Pong… and arguably Christianity. Charles Babbage and his

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